One of the things that I've fallen behind in was laundry. Laundry, laundry, laundry, I could scream! I NEEDED to find a new system. Previously, I had a day for each person, but that amounted to several loads of laundry a day that needed to be done. I quickly found that with Little Elf now in the picture, I need something quicker and more efficient. So, I changed my game plan.
Monday- whites
Tuesday- Light Colors
Wednesday- Dark Colors
Thursday- Work clothes and Denim
Friday- Sheets and Towels
Saturday- anything else that needs to be done.
Some of these days also consist of diaper laundry. We cloth diaper every day except Sunday when we go to church and the routine is a little different than the other days. It gives me a little break and allows me to focus more on keeping the Sabbath day holy instead of worrying if the diapers are sitting a day too long.
I bought a whole bunch of these sorting hampers and I will hopefully get these kids trained to put the appropriate type of clothing into the matching hamper.
So far, it has worked immensely well. I don't feel so burdened throughout the day to get laundry done! It's one or two loads a day, we take a break from school or TV and fold laundry together. That's the trick- family work (Thank you Donna Goff!) I get my children to work with me, even the 2 year old! We sort the clothes, fold the clothes, put the clothes away TOGETHER. I just hope that some day, Curly Girly and Ferdinand learn that laundry isn't as hard as they make it out to be. Haha! For me, the stress is gone, the mountain of laundry is gone and it's a lot easier to maintain. Of course, there are things that are going to need to be washed immediately, but that's the great thing about this system. If that does ever happen, I just grab something else, like baby clothes, and throw them in the washer with the shirt with blood from a bloody nose on it, or the pillow case with drool spots all over. I feel like this will continue to be a good thing for us... at least until the kids are big enough to do their own. Wink, wink!